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A new reviewing app from Google


A new app review process for both developers and advertisers has been announced by Google to be coming soon to help resolve pre-existing issues and reduce the possibility of future policy violations.

According to Google, the new app will help developers who choose AdMob or Ad Manager platforms to monetize by enhancing the quality of their mobile app inventory.

In a blog post on Tuesday, Google informed: “App review is a new process that evaluates a mobile app’s inventory quality status before allowing unrestricted ad serving. In going through the process, publishers will get a unified view of all their apps’ approval and actionable feedback.”

Just some information from Google, this application includes an app readiness feature and an app claiming feature. This application will be rolled out this year.

The app readiness feature will be used to link new mobile apps developers who want to monetize with AdMob or Ad Manager have to have one or more support from App Store.

Through AdMob or Ad Manager, publishers can monitor the status of all apps and can keep track of a list of their apps with app claiming.

Google said: “With this feature, publishers will receive suggestions of mobile apps that are being monetized using their publisher ad code but haven’t been added to their AdMob or Ad Manager account.”

In mid-2021, publishers will be required to add all apps to their accounts for unrestricted ad serving.

To prevent potential monetization disruptions, publishers who have been recommended by Google to complete the app review process link mobile apps to supported app stores and claim their mobile apps.

Due to complaints about high prices from software, Google has announced a reduction in the commission rate. Depending on the income of each company, Google offers its policies. For companies with annual revenue up to 1 million USD, Google will only charge 5% of the in-app purchase fee. For companies that have over 1 million USD revenue, the fee will be 30% commission.

As of July, this policy will officially take effect.
