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The spike in installs of home testing kit apps


Over the past year, the Covid pandemic has caused severe consequences for the world. That’s why many apps for Covid treatment were created. The most typical apps are the COVID home-testing kits apps. These apps have an increasing number of installs every day. It is predicted that the number of installs will continue to increase if the epidemic is still complicated.

According to SensorTower, Navica by BinaxNow and Ellume are the 2 apps with the highest increase in installs on US app stores. The increases in July 2021 and August 2021 were 107% and 134% respectively. Consumers can instantly check their test results in the app.

Other apps like Ellume increased by 345%, Navica increased by 31% in July compared to June.

Vaccine verification app installs also increased in August. This is because more and more facilities and travel services in the United States are asking for proof of vaccinations.

The eight verification apps with the highest number of installs had a 79% increase in install rates, corresponding to 1.6 million in July.

NYS Excelsior Pass Wallet’s installs increased from 151k in July to 579k in August or 283%.

Other apps like Docket and VeriFLY also recorded an increase in installs.

However, despite a large number of installed applications, users still feel dissatisfied, which requires application developers to improve their applications more.
